Awesome Logo Stickers That People Love Displaying
Best Ads to Help Generate Big Ideas
Enforcing COVID prevention safety measures (social distancing, wearing masks, etc.) has become an irritant for some customers. Here is a friendly, non-confrontational approach using Col. Sanders cutouts at KFC. (This is also a great example of how clever marketing ideas can generate valuable, free news exposure for a business.) Perhaps not as clever, but equally […]
Ikea produced a number of different “cook by numbers” recipe sheets for store managers (encouraging them to create an event to show customers that getting creative in the kitchen can be deliciously simple) and for customers to take home (making these available in the ingredient and kitchen items sections of Ikea stores). The recipes, which […]
Though not a marketing effort… just think of the many amazingly inexpensive, effective and friendly way something fresh like this could be adapted to attract attention and free PR. Got any ideas? Please share them in the comments section below!