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Door hangers can quickly become a nuisance but the look and wording of this one is so friendly and personal, it may get a ‘pass.’ Especially if you’re doing business with a home nearby. Doorhangers are certainly a lot cost advertising option and social proof (following the lead of one’s peers), is an effective marketing […]

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Restaurant Menu that Really Tells the Truth | Montreal

When asked why he doesn’t remove menu items he dislikes, the owner said that he doesn’t want to offend his chef. “I try and make improvements over time, so he doesn’t snap. His English is limited, and he hasn’t read the online menu.” And besides, “It’s good to be honest. No one should be boastful.” […]

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Swedish Annual Advertising Awards Get Re-Judged

To prove that Swedish advertising award judges understand and appreciate Swedish work like no one else, three international juries from Asia, Ghana and Latvia were invited to re-judge the previous year’s winners. Revised annuals were sent to all Swedish agencies and new diplomas were sent to all winners.
(What a brilliant way to generate […]