best small ads & classifieds
Examples of clever small ads and business cards that work well at attracting attention and communicating big messages.
Wonderfully Friendly & Noticeable Logo – Barbiere Belgian Ale
It is easy to imagine this logo as a die cut cut-out roadside sign for a barber shop. (It’s noticeable and unexpected, though perhaps not as irresistible as a beer logo.)
Testimonial vs. Command or Benefits Headlines
Which of these two ads do you find more enticing? The testimonial on the left or the traditional command/benefits headline approach on the right?
Great Website Favicon | Georgia Aquarium
It’s difficult to come up with a brilliant favicon graphic when you’re limited to 16 x 16 pixels. GeorgiaAquarium nailed it by adding fishtail to the large letter ‘G’
Shocking Headline for Small Banner Ad | ClearRear
With its short and unexpected headline–surrounded by whitespace, we found it hard to resist clicking on this banner. And the conversational tone of the ad’s landing page does a great job of paying off on the headline and discussing a somewhat uncomfortable topic. To create a sense of urgency, the wording of the landing page’s […]
Business Card Looks Like Slice of Bread | San Fran Bakery – Jukebox Print
What a wonderful business card… but so many of the ideas from Jukebox Print are amazing: