What a clever recycling of the famous John Caples headlines from 1925!
Tag: classic ads
Advertising Advice: Helmut Krone
One of the many fascinating features in the Wall Street Journal’s Creative Leaders Series (https://davedye.com/2019/06/06/the-wall-street-journals-creative-leaders-series/)
Demonstration of Quality | Polaroid Instant Camera ’60-Second Portraits’
Proof that instant cameras weren’t only fast and simple-to-use, but could also produce professional quality results. (Examples of how DDB art director Helmut Krone shunned the placement of logos in ads)…
Classic VW Ads from the 1960s
‘Think Small’ and ‘Lemon’ may be the most famous of the classic VW ads created by DDB designer Helmut Krone and his writers, but all of them were clever and brilliant! Here are just a few…
You may also be interested in seeing some of the great VW commercials from […]
Demonstration Ad | Polaroid Instant Camera
Wonderful demonstration ads.