Stumped on what message to communicate in your advertisement’s headline or body copy?
As we index the hundreds of great ads for inclusion on, we always try to ‘tag’ each advertisement with the motivating angle or approach we believe the creative teams took. Many appear to capitalize on the power of fear. Others take the opposite approach by showing how much better a person’s life could be if only they purchased a certain product or service. Some ads try to persuade readers to act by focusing on convenience. Others tug on empathy or generosity.
The funny thing is, almost any approach can be used successfully to promote almost any product. Take ‘fear,’ for example. It’s easy to imagine home, auto or life insurance or financial services companies using fear (of financial loss) but fear has also been used brilliantly to sell cars (fear of injury), durex (fear of long-term consequences), breath mints (fear of rejection), piano lessons (fear of being laughed at), barbershop services (fear of looking silly) and health insurance (this advertisement combines TWO fears: fear of missed opportunity PLUS fear of losing health).
So, as you’re approaching your next advertising project, we encourage you to thoughtfully consider each advertising angle and how it may apply to whatever you’re selling. Click on any of these ‘tags’ and you’ll find specific ads that illustrate a possible way to use the angle.
If you come up with a great ad, please share it with us. However, if you need help, consider calling or emailing the curators of this site: Advertising That Works, a tiny ad agency that produces big results. We love pitching-in on challenging advertising projects.
Complete list of the tags (angles, appeals, or concepts) we’ve assigned to the ads featured on this website*
*Listed in order of frequency
- comparison
- funny
- personalized
- sidewalk signs
- newspaper
- door hangers
- tv commercial
- trick of the eye
- elevator doors
- seasonal
- holiday
- guilt
- newsjacking
- practicality
- dreams
- motivational
- before and after
- 3D
- 2-color
- murals
- menus
- awards
- pr
- letterhead
- current events
- event
- valentines day
- b2b
- directional
- politics
- goals
- exaggeration
- demonstration
- advertising tips
- die-cut
- reverse psychology
- pricing
- convenience
- buzz
- stationary
- cobranding
- ambient
- misspelling
- sensitive topic
- radio
- greatness
- intangible
- shopping bags
- time
- headlines
- emotion
- travel
- smell
- gestalt
- classic ads
- unexpected
- spread
- no words
- intentional mistake
- empathy
- plain folks
- friends
- speed
- posters
- illustration
- asheville
- banner ads
- fashion
- automobiles
- stickers
- challenge
- prospecting
- community involvement
- followup
- emotions
- average joe
- happiness
- classified ads
- interactive
- long copy
- word association
- fear
- retro
- free
- coupon
- fake news
- follow-up
- self promotion
- press release
- logo
- about us
- persona
- apologize
- animals
- branding
- distance
- play on words
- video
- analogy
- suspense
- product reviews
- cross promotion
- quiz
- referrals
- renaming
- helmut krone
- spokesperson
- sexy
- health
- t-shirt designs
- packaging
- low cost
- tourism
- street marketing
- engagement
- social media
- question headline
- conversational copy
- banking
- VW
- durable
- insurance
- visual metaphor
- food
- promotions
- protest
- guerilla marketing
- promotional products
- signs
- taste test
- tear-off flyers
- alternative facts
- risk
- self-deprecating
- adult
- polaroid
- reliable
- testimonial
- flyers
- children
- screen printing
- activism
- charts
- restaurant
- auto parts
- contest
- cross marketing
- scandal
- prank
- honesty
- public service
- lifestyle
- long lasting
- robotics
- visual typography
- business cards
- environment
- timeliness
- satisfaction guarantee
- authentic
- quality
- David Ogilvy
- point of sale
- hoax
- possibilities
- native advertising
- b to b
- addressing objections
- trust
- realism
- excitement
- functional
- conservation
- postcard
- anthropomorphic
- concept
- medicine
- benefits
- animation
- urgency
- in-store positioning
- street advertising
- a/b testing
- overcoming objections
- authority
- cropping
- thrill
- test
- repetition
- sale announcement
- scratch-n-sniff
- coke
- pharmaceutical
- features
- whitespace
- pay it forward
- story telling
- unexp
- price
- game
- expertise
- buyers remorse
- sensory
- help wanted
- handmade
- design
- sandwich board
- coca-cola
- dental
- pain relief
- web sites
- objects
- vintage
- avatar
- typography
- cartoon
- customer loyalty
- sharing
- humor
- hand written
- real estate
- infographic
- sampling
- billboard
- friendly competition
- advocacy
- upsell
- product features
- customer service
- direct mail
- trending
- callouts
- customer retention
- collectable
- job opening
- pets
- remarketing
- skeuomorph
- sports
- body care
- testimonials
- graffiti
- repeat business
- vanity
- word of mouth
- reciprocity
- meme
- rationalizing
- peer pressure
- grand opening