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best print ads

Volvo’s Great Ads of the 1960s, 70s and Today

VW (Volkswagen) advertising in the 1960s and 1970s probably gets credit for the most clever and memorable print ads and tv commercials of all time. But many Volvo’s ads of the 1960s, 70s print ads (below) and commercials (https://www.thebigad.com/2021/07/12/volvo-1960s-snow-chase-commercial/) are still, to this day, amazingly hardworking and brilliant…

volvo quick braking power advert

volvo speedometer numbers advert

volvo owner protection plan advert


Randy is a print designer, web developer, graphic illustrator, copywriter, and advertising fanatic based in Asheville, NC. Have ad-related questions, comments or possible projects you'd like to discuss? Email [email protected]