marketing tips

Business Card Marketing

If you’ve spent any amount of time designing your business cards to be attractive, clever and crisp, you probably want to make sure they help you attract new business and encourage repeat customers. Here are a few tips* for getting the biggest return from business card (as well as postcards and posters):

1. Partner with complimentary service providers.
2. Encourage past clients to help spread word of your services.
3. Make a game of handing out business cards and use them as a vehicle to open conversations with people you meet throughout the day.
4. Include a few cards in all your mailings.
5. Ask family and friends to hand them out when appropriate.
6. Ask permission to leave your card at businesses you patronize.
7. Pin them onto community bulletin boards.


Randy is a print designer, web developer, graphic illustrator, copywriter, and advertising fanatic based in Asheville, NC. Have ad-related questions, comments or possible projects you'd like to discuss? Email [email protected]

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