Endearing, Funny, Motivating Nike Commercial | Old Man Running
Best Ads to Help Generate Big Ideas
One of the best ads of all time (along with I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!, Try it. You’ll like it and Newlywed groom’s first home cooked meal). Here is a bit of the history behind this commercial: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/25/movies/25zieff.html and https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-mar-03-me-grace3-story.html
Here are a few more ads in this unforgettable, emotionally-charged branding/positioning campaign from Perrier in 1989…
A great commercial that must have gotten shared a lot. But without mentioning low price, ease of use, fast developing, or some other benefit at the end, I wounder how many viewers could recall the sponsor. Was it Polaroid camera? Or was it Kodak film?